PHP / GO Developer (f/m/d)

Festanstellung, Vollzeit · München

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At Finanztip, we empower millions of people to make smarter financial decisions with trusted and accessible content. As we continue to innovate and grow, we're looking for a passionate and skilled PHP / GO Developer (f/m/d) to help contribute to our mission of delivering valuable solutions for our users.
  • You will be responsible for optimizing and expanding tracking systems to process large datasets, ensuring real-time data processing and accurate analysis.

  • As part of this, you will integrate third-party APIs to enable seamless data import, synchronization, and automated workflows, while developing advanced tools for data aggregation and visualization.

  • Additionally, you will build high-performance, fault-tolerant microservices in Go, focusing on real-time and data-intensive applications, leveraging Go-specific concurrency patterns to achieve maximum efficiency.

  • You will design and implement modern RESTful and RPC APIs for communication between internal and external systems, alongside microservices, ensuring scalability, security, and efficiency through the use of advanced API architectures and technologies.

  • Moreover, you will enhance data models for better performance and create interactive dashboards to visualize complex data within internal systems.

  • You have at least 3 years of experience in PHP, including knowledge of modern versions (7.x/8.x) and frameworks like Laravel or Symfony. You should be skilled in OOP, MVC, and clean, maintainable code.

  • Additionally, you have experience with Go (Golang) for developing scalable applications and using Goroutines for parallel processing.

  • On top of that, you have proficiency in relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and SQL optimization techniques, ensuring efficient data management and performance.

  • Your passion for Big Data and Analytics, experience with large datasets, along with strong analytical skills and the ability to develop efficient algorithms, will enable you to make a significant impact in this role.

  • You are able to communicate technical concepts clearly, collaborate with teams, and have experience in agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban). 

  • With your experience in unit testing frameworks and a strong background in automated testing, you’ll play a key role in ensuring code quality.

  • Additionally, you have a quick grasp of new technologies and a strong curiosity to learn and adapt to new programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

  • Engage in a meaningful role within a company with a unique mission.
  • Benefit from flexible working hours, the opportunity to work remotely and up to 4 weeks of workation per year.
  • Experience modern offices in the heart of Berlin and Munich.
  • Enjoy 30 days of annual leave - Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve are additional full days off.
  • Get access to a company pension plan with a significant contribution from Finanztip.
  • Receive a subsidized lunch.
About us
We all have to make decisions about our finances almost every day. From small ones, like a cell phone contract, to very big ones, like a home loan. But who honestly tells you which decision is the right one and how to get the best result? That's exactly why we founded Finanztip. 
Our mission is to give everyone more financial freedom - and thus contribute to a fairer world. In order to achieve this, our experts thoroughly analyze the many offers on the market - and then specifically recommend what you should do. You can trust these recommendations. Because as a 100% subsidiary of the Finanztip Foundation, we are not profit-oriented, but only committed to the interests of consumers. All financial distributions from Finanztip are used in the foundation for charitable projects to promote financial education - such as for our educational initiative Finanztip Schule. We want every household in Germany to use Finanztip and make the right decisions, avoid mistakes and save a lot of money in this way. Our offer is therefore available to everyone free of charge on the Internet.Our more than 1,000 guides are already used by more than 6 million visitors every month. And more than 1,000,000 consumers find out every week in our newsletter where you can save in concrete terms. Big things. And sometimes with small bargains.
Über uns
Wir alle müssen ein Leben lang Finanz-Entscheidungen treffen. Vom ersten Girokonto oder Handyvertrag über die richtigen Ver­si­che­rungen bis zu den großen Weichenstellungen im Leben, wie etwa dem Kauf einer Immobilie oder Deiner Vorsorge fürs Alter. Aber wer erklärt einfach und verständlich, wie das alles funktioniert? Wer sagt Dir, was für Dich wirklich sinnvoll ist – und wovon Du besser die Finger lassen solltest? Genau dafür gibt es Finanztip. 
Unsere Mission ist es, persönliche Finanzen so einfach wie möglich zu machen. Und zwar so, dass Du sie selbst erledigen kannst. Durch fundiert recherchierte Ratgeber, leicht verständliche Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und konkrete Produktempfehlungen, auf die Du Dich verlassen kannst. 
Denn Finanztip ist kein normales Unternehmen: Wir sind Teil der gemeinnützigen Finanztip Stiftung. Diese hat den Auftrag, die Finanzbildung in Deutschland zu fördern. Alle Gewinne, die Finanztip ausschüttet, gehen an die Stiftung und werden dort für gemeinnützige Projekte verwendet – wie etwa unsere Bildungsinitiative Finanztip Schule. 
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